Texas Legislative Update

August 2024

Michael Grimes, Imperium Public Affairs (TCEP Lobbyist)

The State Budget Process Beginning
Texas is in the initial phases of preparing its state budget for the next biennium. In the year before each regular session of the Texas Legislature, state agencies prepare detailed Legislative Appropriations Requests (LARs) under the guidelines of the Legislative Budget Board (LBB), itemizing their funding needs and performance measures. These LARs are submitted by late summer or early fall to the LBB, the Comptroller's office, and other state agencies. The LBB and the Governor's Office of Budget, Planning and Policy hold hearings on their content.

In the fall, the LBB uses these LARs to draft the state's general appropriations bill, which will fund state agencies for the next two fiscal years. At the beginning of the legislative session, the Comptroller issues a Biennial Revenue Estimate (BRE), which caps legislative spending based on estimated available funds. The House Committee on Appropriations and the Senate Finance Committee then hold hearings, revise the bill according to the BRE and their funding priorities, and send their versions to the full House and Senate for approval. A conference committee resolves differences between the two versions, producing a single bill that both chambers vote on. Once approved, the bill goes to the Comptroller for certification, ensuring it does not exceed the BRE. Finally, the Governor can use a line-item veto to trim individual spending items before signing the bill into law, directing the state's finances for the next two years.

Governor Abbott Issues Executive Order Requiring Texas Hospitals To Collect, Report Healthcare Costs For Illegal Immigrants
Governor Greg Abbott issued an Executive Order directing the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) to gather and report data on healthcare costs for undocumented immigrants treated in Texas public hospitals. The order, driven by the governor's criticism of the Biden-Harris Administration's border policies, requires hospitals to begin collecting this information by November 1, 2024, and to report it quarterly to HHSC starting March 1, 2025. The goal is to seek federal reimbursement for these costs. HHSC will also submit an annual report on these costs to Texas state leaders beginning January 1, 2026.

Upcoming Interim Hearings
The Texas legislative interim period is a vital time between regular sessions when committees focus on key issues and lay the groundwork for future legislation. Under the direction of Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, Senate committees, including the Health and Human Services Committee, are investigating 57 charges to address concerns raised by Texans and senators. Similarly, House committees, appointed by the Speaker of the House, are undertaking their own studies, analyzing issues, and forming recommendations. These committees hold public hearings, collect input from stakeholders and experts, and compile reports summarizing their findings and policy suggestions.

The Senate Committee on Health and Human Services will hold its second interim hearing next month to address key issues related to children's mental health and access to healthcare in Texas. The committee will review the current care and services available for children with high mental and behavioral health needs, aiming to improve access and support family preservation while preventing entry into the child welfare system. Additionally, The committee will also evaluate access to primary and mental health care across the state, with a focus on regulatory and licensing changes, including those related to scope of practice. The Texas Medical Association has been invited to testify on the scope of practice charge. The hearing will gather testimony and insights to inform future policy recommendations and legislation.

Upcoming Dates

  • Tuesday, November 5, 2024 - General election for federal, state, and county officers.
  • Monday, November 11, 2024 - First day legislators and legislators-elect may file bills for the 89th Legislature.